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The English Calamus SL Forum

Message: Re: winprint.cdt load problem

Changed By: tos4ever
Change Date: November 17, 2017 06:45PM

Re: winprint.cdt load problem
Calamus starts very fast with for instance 180dpi.cdt but if I change it back to winprint.cdt inside Calamus it takes ages before winprint.cdt get loaded.

For test purpose I installed quite some time ago an old version (2006) of Calamus on another windows 10 pc. No problem with winprint at all untill today.
As said Calamus was installed for test purpose so it isn't used often. I really can't tell at which point the problem started to occur.
But right now winprint.cdt takes ages to load.
BTW: the test pc only has only one printer, a brother whatever

I wonder if this has something to do with windows updates. The test pc runs windows 10 home, version 1703, build 15063.726. That update dates from 14/11.

Original Message

Author: tos4ever
Date: November 17, 2017 06:43PM

Re: winprint.cdt load problem
Calamus starts very fast with for instance 180dpi.cdt but if I change it back to winprint.cdt inside Calamus it takes ages before winprint.cdt get loaded.

For test purpose I installed quite some time ago an old version (2006) of Calamus on another windows 10 pc. No problem with winprint at all untill today.
As said Calamus was installed for test purpose so it isn't used often. I really can't tell at which point the problem started to occur.
But right now winprint.cdt takes ages to load.

I wonder if this has something to do with windows updates. The test pc runs windows 10 home, version 1703, build 15063.726. That update dates from 14/11.

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